Ms. Tula Woo is an…
angel sent from heaven. I could not fathom life without her, yet I’m currently in this predicament where I’m having to. No, she has not passed away, she’s spending time with her mom. For this duration of time, in which I’m not quite sure how long that will last for, I will make myself stronger in all facets of life.
You might ask yourself “What is a Tulie Tuesday!?”
Well a Tulie Tuesday is when Ms. Tula Woo conducts the day. If she wants to play all day, I play with her all day. If she wants to take me on 8+ walks, she guides us through them all. If there’s a fork in the road and she looks up at me while giving her little cry of indecisiveness, I let her sit with it for a bit and allow her to feel comfortable with the decision she makes.
She chose this place for me to…
eat at and everyone absolutely adored her the second they laid eyes upon her. People walking in and leaving having to say hello to her, she LOVES the attention.
Oh and I’ll add some tidbits of magic that occurs to us below:
Herbie Hancock was performing the next night on his birthday a mile down the street from where we were staying. Seemed meant to be (and it was…that story will be housed on my bookshelf for now for safety’s keeping.)
And I’m not joking when I say she found this…
Never thought I’d find someone more lucky than I am and she seems to amaze me every single day I am gifted to be present with her.
How have I combatted the…
fire energy in me into something worthwhile? Journaling and writing up lyrics to share with friends, during this time of suffering. It’s not much, but it’s free and it passes the time much better than lying on the floor.
Ariana said it best…
“You know? I'm stronger than I think
Usually, I'd join you on the floor, BUT THIS DANCE AIN’T FOR ME
Boy, just turn the music up
Maybe, someday we'll look back with love
Didn't think you'd lose me
Now it's just too late to choose me”
P.S.- Go listen to her album Eternal Sunshine and follow along with the lyrics…
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